Monday, June 14, 2010

Chicago's Finest

Tonight's date was at Webster's Wine Bar--to see 2nd City actors perform monologues. After being at Menard's for hours and working on home repair, I was running late and thought, "Great. You don't have this man's phone number, not an idea of what he looks like, and you definitely won't be there at 6:55." However, what felt like a miracle of "parting the red sea" magnitude occurred. I breezed down the Eisenhower and Dan Ryan in NO traffic during RUSH HOUR, found FREE parking (in a city that has a private company grossing 1M/week due to our car addictions) IN FRONT of Webster's and walked up to my date at 6:55. That almost feels like the best part of the date. Almost...if it hadn't been such an interesting and creative experience.

As all of the previous dates, this was easy breezy, and I was feeling "beautiful Cover Girl"--again, the key--no pressure--just enjoying a new person. A bit into the date he confessed that he had just gotten into a relationship--shortly after he agreed to go on a date with me (he was the first volunteer a few weeks ago, and clearly Cupid had been working on his behalf during the last few weeks). His girlfriend was cool with it, so he was my delightful company for the evening.

We listened to amazingly hilarious monologues, one in particular took me to blissful nostalgia. The first story teller told a coming of age story through constant allusions to Prince's Purple Rain album, accented with actual tracks fron the album. It was HEELARIOUS. My date and I reminisced about the 80s and how great the music and movies were.

There is, more than likely, no chance of anything more than "platonic" developing, but we had the chance to talk about why we are both ecclectic and hard to pair romantically (he's an "airforce brat" and I have fantastical, creative parents who raised us in 3 different cities). We had an excuse to have strange conversation; I explained to him why I like interesting teeth (he laughed at this new category of "interesting"--neither good nor bad--"interesting"). We ended the date, and we probably at least have another Facebook friend out of this. I also received the epiphany of what color my dining room should be painted, and I have one more Chicago venue to share with my parents and friends.

This weekend's dates were equally interesting. Saturday morning's was challenging and invigorating. I played tennis with a spry, energetic, beautiful soul (he really is a beautiful soul), who reminded me of the excitement and joy of living in faith--not having everything figured out, and walking by the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR. He, as I, intentionally lives in what others may call a "rough" community, and is looking to open a beautiful and creative space for neighbors to convivir. Our conversation, by far, has been the most sharpening and refocusing for me. I hope to be able to support his vision and endeavors.

I also spent time with a laidback, intellectually and artistically brilliant man who graciously allowed me to visit him while fighting a cold. I took him soup, he bought me wine and we hung out in his gallery space, which was filled by work that fills me with awe. We had a couple of visitors, the most interesting and comical being a 50 year old looking hipster with a dog named "BAY BAY"--I thought, "Is he for real? Dude, you're in the wrong neighborhood with a dog named "Bay Bay" .

Not one date has been a negative experience. In fact, I really feel like I'm meeting some of the more quality men that Chicago has to offer--each has been generous with me, kind, humble, funny, talented.

When I turned on my car to leave Webster's tonight, Luther Vandross was singing: " And I was hopin that one day there'd be a chance for me to get the Love that I've been missin',
sometimes Love takes a long time,
but wait for love and you're gonna get the change to love, Wait for Love, Wait for Love".


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