Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hungry Damsel in Distress

So, I know I'm supposed to be talking about polygamy (one date's idea as a possible solution to the weakening of the African American family), but I'm going to start with tonight's date and work backward.

I was an hour late. He waited. Perhaps evidence that he is an amazing human being. If my dates could not get more bizarre, 10 minutes into leaving for Francesca's (an Italian joint I've wanted to check out for years), a storm like I've never seen before hit Chicagoland. Garbage cans, chairs, tree branches all down Ogden and Cermak and 19th (I kept trying to find streets not lined with trees--inclement weather an understatement). He OFFERED TO COME GET ME. WHAT A GENTLEMAN. To make matters worse [than having no visibility at one point], sirens went off--yes, the "There's a tornado in the area so get in a bathtub" siren. I was really confused for a minute; the only time I had heard one of these was in suburban Cincinnati, where my parents live, but also where deer have enough open space to frollic meters away from my parents' house.

So, I took cover in doors. My date, having received an email at work about the looming weather, took precautions and was right on time, while I was coaching my Bball on the Block team, hadn't seen tv or heard radio all day, and got blindsided--and finally arrived an hour late (rushing to get to my waiting date, I didn't feed the meter and ended a perfect evening with a FIFTY DOLLAR TICKET--I can't tell you the last time I got a parking ticket).

So, I really don't know why this gentleman and I haven't had dinner before. He says it's all about context. It's kind of forward at best, and maybe professionally or politically unsavvy at worst, to meet a woman at a fundraiser and ask her out. He and I share friend and colleague after friend and colleague--WE EVEN HUNG OUT WITH THE SAME MEXICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST IN MEXICO--BOTH STUDYING THE AFRICAN PRESENCE IN MEXICO AND HAVING ROLES IN THE EXHIBIT THAT CAME TO THE MEXICAN FINE ARTS MUSEUM. SMALL WORLD.

I'll spare you the details, but conversation was lively and insightful. He shared that we, generally, as Americans, have not recognized how the urgency of our lives and professions actually are not conducive to the long term matrimony that seemed to come to our grandparents so easily. The pressures of the economy, role changes, family demands, lack of communal support actually seems to work against easy and sustainable pairing--so he told me that my life as a "perpetual single" is actually a sign of the times and quite normal. I think we both still hold to the ideals of faithful, enduring partnerhips, but we recognize the many demands that pull at them. Very interesting conversation....and the fried calamari was only a bonus (I can't stop eating it since my sisters and I came back from Spain last April).

The pleasant company helped ease the pains of new home ownership and landlordship, as my tenant called during dinner to inform me that his basement had flooded with the storm.

I'm telling you ladies, there are some awesome men out here. Happy dating Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. What a great start to your experiment...I'm hooked, don't leave us hangin'. What happens next?
